Product Catalog

From executive to manual worker or white-collar worker: with Cebir you can compile a suitable test package for each profile. In addition, questionnaires on integrity and personality also appear to give a good indication of work performance, as do knowledge tests specifically linked to the position for which someone is applying.

Choose from our prebuilt test packages


C-level management, Senior management, Team management, Project management, Coordinator

R&D and Innovation

Engineer, Architect, Marketing, Communication, Management associate

Commercial & Sales

Account manager, Office manager, Call center operator, Store manager


Head nurse, Nurse, Paramedical, Care assistant


Accountant, Auditor, Financial analyst, Payroll management


IT analyst, HR expert, Legal expert, Laboratory technician, Developer, Researcher, Quality manager


Management assistant, File administrator, Administrative assistant


Labourer, Security guard, Truck driver, Docker, Warehouse operator, Production operator, Planner / Dispatcher, Technician

Career planning

How is the employee on the work front ? In what type of position and role does the employee function best ? In what working conditions can the employee perform best ?